Celestra Deannasch

Lost Hrothgar ♀ 29
Aetherial Researcher and Adventurer
Cactuar (Aether)
FFXIV Roleplay
IC while RP Tag is on


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Full Name: Celestra Montera Deannasch
Cactuar (Aether)
House: The Goblet, Ward 20, Plot 12
Apartment: The Goblet, Ward 15, Apartment 4

Age: 29
Race: Lost Hrothgar
Gender: Cis Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Eyes: Pink and Teal
Body Type: Muscular
Height: 6'1
Weight: 210 lbs
Voice/Accent: Slight southern accent (Trisha Yearwood)

Canon Jobs: Sage, Gunbreaker, Machinist, Red Mage, Alchemist, Reaper (PVP)Combat Skills & Abilities: High-level aethersense, aetherochemical expert, engineer specializing in Ironworks Magitek. Expert in manipulation of personal aether. Secretly an adept of the reaper arts.

(Quotes here at some point yeaaa)


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Appearance: Celeste's white fur is always neat but a little longer than most Hrothgar. She's fairly muscular, without many visible scars. One eye is a bright pink while the other is a bright teal. The teal colored eye seems to draw in more aether than the other.Visible Inventory: Celeste often wears glasses of some variety, or a flower in her hair. She's always wearing a blue ring on her left hand with a draconic visage. She carries with her a small pack of items, as well as a weapon of choice.Aether: If you have aethersense, her aetherpool is pretty strong. Her aether is chromatic but leans blue and astral. She seems to recuperate aether at a higher rate than most and is incredibly stable.


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Quirks: Confident, quick learner, nerdy, friendly, attentive, helpful, open about herself and her preferences, receptive to new theories and ideas. Overexplains and hyperfixates. Incredibly loyal.Imperfections: Sometimes unable to read the room. Unwavering in her ideals and sometimes disagreeable. Egotistic in her own inventions.Attractions: People who will listen to her ideas and let her show off her gadgets. As well as people with new interesting stories and ideas. Proposals for adventure always interest her.

Hobbies: Dabbles in the arts such as painting and fictional writing, especially inspired by her travels. She loves sightseeing and travelling. She's loves to go out fishing and learning new recipes.Fears: Celeste is afraid of big bug creatures, specially spiders or beetles. She's also deathly afraid of anything happening to her tail so she obsesses over it all the time.Hopes: Celeste hopes that her inventions genuinely help people, subscribing to the Ironworks motto. She also hopes to one day help rebuild the home she came from while giving back to the one that took her in (Sharlayan). Pursuit of knowledge for the sake of it is also a big hope of hers.


Celestra hails from a small shore city off the Bozjan coast called Oslaska. Under the rule of Queen Deanna, the city managed to avoid most Garlean tyranny until the Bozjan incident.Celestra's immediate family were engineers responsible for maintenance of most of Oslaska's magitek communications with the occupying Garlean forces, trained in the technology before she was born. Their supervision of the technology allowed them to diminish or alter transmissions to and from the town for a time, as well as assist resistance communications.Celestra's parents used the opportunity presented to search for a better life for both of their children. Around the time Celestra was 14, her brother was conscripted into the Garlean army as a result of greater strain placed on the city after the Citadel incident. Finding themselves in a hurry, they placed her in the care of a passing Sharlayan gleaner who frequently visited the town known, a Miqo'te man known as Elijah Montera. Giving her a linkpearl to communicate with them as they journeyed to The Northern Empty.To avoid the subject of her refugee status in Sharlayan, she took on the surname of the gleaner who became her guardian. She found herself fascinated with the gleaner lifestyle, fascinated with the prospects of becoming an adventurer. Despite such, she was accepted into the Studium after she massively surpassed the basic exam given to make her a gleaner.She majored in Aetherology and Sharlayan technology, her thesis written on the management of ones own aether written from the point of view of seeing ones own essence as a running engine. Funnily enough, her thesis placed in Noumenon used her Bozjan name.She managed to keep in contact with her family for most of her studies up until the 7th Umbral Calamity, where the city was purged after it was declared a rebel stronghold, with her father killed in the process. Her mother survived enough to flee and join the resistance forces.Celestra blamed queen Deanna for the death of her father and declared herself Lost as a result. Despite her decision, her mother urged her to travel to Eorzea to seek out her older brother after the resistance communications gave a clue towards his whereabouts, believing him to have deserted the Garlean army.Her journey found herself touring Eorzea and Dravania as an adventurer and scholar, locating her brother working now as an engineer for Garlond Ironworks. She decided to join him for a time after their decade of separation with her knowledge of engineering to learn Magitek. Eventually this led to being recruited to the scions of the 7th dawn as an envoy to the ironworks throughout the Dragonsong war and Ala Mhigan liberation.Despite her personal grudge against the queen, Celeste's brother convinced her to return with him as an Ironworks engineer during the Bozjan liberation efforts. During this time she managed to come around to reconsolidating with Queen Deanna. Despite keeping her surname as lost, she agreed to help the queen and Oslaska's rebuilding in any way she can without pledging herself.Wanting to satisfy her adventuring urges, she decided to join the newly reformed Students of Baldesion after the dissolution of the scions.

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Out of Character

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About me
• Player is Mid 20s, non-binary (she/they/he), from the US and primarily speak English
• I've roleplayed for around 10 years in both FFXIV and WoW.
• Celestra is a new character for me, so I'm getting used to the lore and vibes.
General RP guidelines:
• Walk-up RP approaches welcome and encouraged!
• 21+ players and third person perspective roleplay preferred.
• I may not necessarily be roleplaying. However, feel free to ask!
• A roleplay tag does mean I'm down, but /tell if you're unsure. Feel free to interact!
I enjoy:
• 3rd Person narration.
• Mirror roleplaying. Will do paragraph roleplays as well as rapid-fire dialogue scenes so long as each matches the tone of the situation.
• Long-term, mutual character development, or at least playing well into characters' "natural" dynamics.
• Slice-of-life weaved into longer-term situations.
• Intense, longer plots & campaigns. As well as mature themes.
I don't do:
• Assholish behavior or transphobia, racism, etc. Don't be terminally online
• Edgier/mature scenes with players under 18.
• Assuming Celeste will find a long-term romance with your OC.

RP Hooks

Here are a few hooks that Celestra would be commonly involved in. If you have another idea just let me know!

Engineering work || You've hired an Ironworks engineer for assistance. She's one of the few who may be sent.Adventuring Scholar || Celestra often signs up for adventures at the guild on behalf of the Students of Baldesion.Bozjan reconstruction || She's involved in the reconstruction of Bozja. There's a chance she will be involved in some of the efforts.Far Eastern Fishing trip || She's an avid fisher. You may spot her out fishing.


Not here primarily for ERP - Celeste gets frisky if the mood's right and if there's "chemistry"/ storyline, but ERP is not my primary goal.Mare code for friends only!

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Last Updated: September 2024